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Glenn A. Pearl

Steelman Library

Librarian Emeritus


Master of Library Science, School of Library Science, University of Oklahoma
BS in Biblical Studies, Southwestern College of Christian Ministries, Bethany, Oklahoma


Glenn A. Pearl came to Southeastern in 1986 as the library’s cataloger, though his duties in a library of three librarians explored virtually all aspects of library work.

Over the years, he taught numerous sections of Hermeneutics (wrote three iterations of the online Hermeneutics course), and he also taught sections of Old and New Testament Surveys, and Introduction to Honors Thesis.

In 1994, he left the library to serve as the Director of Institutional Effectiveness/Research and Planning. He led the self-study process in the University’s first ten-year reaffirmation process of accreditation, and served as the university’s Accreditation Liaison with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools from 1994 to 2005. In 2008, Mr. Pearl returned “home” to the library. He served as the Reference and Serials Librarian, and also served as the library’s liaison with the Barnett College of Ministry and Theology.

Mr. Pearl is a member of the Peninsular Florida District Council of the Assemblies of God, and has served as a member of NASIG, and Atla. His areas of professional interests include copyright, scholarly communication, open access, and the interrelationship between how Hermeneutics is taught and how it is then applied by former students now serving in pastoral roles.