SEU Wellness Walk

Rooted In Christ

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” — Colossians 2:6-7

Welcome to SEU’s interactive wellness walk, Rooted in Christ. Focused on enhancing the physical, spiritual, and emotional/mental well-being of the SEU Community, stations are developed by SEU students, staff, faculty, and administration and are seeped in wellness research and the individual’s expertise.


Additional stations will be added throughout the year, including wellness exercises such as breath prayers, Christ-centered chair yoga, reflections on musical worship, lectio divina (the slow reading of scripture), journaling, and other practices. 

Bush Chapel

Word of the Year | Dr. Kent Ingle, SEU President

President Kent Ingle shares the story behind the Word of the Year, a practice that he has instilled in SEU’s culture for 13 years. The Word of the Year is designed to unify the entire university community under one spiritual mindset. In this video, Dr. Ingle reveals the word’s three main purposes, this year’s word, and much more.

Kelly Gardens

Meditation | Sarah Lloyd

Help When You Need It

From campus to career, our job is to help you to be as successful as possible. That’s why we provide you with a wide variety of support services, making it easy to find the help you want — and the resources that you need.