Our Mission

Southeastern has a responsibility to respond quickly and effectively to address sexual misconduct and any other conduct that is motivated by sex or gender that creates a hostile environment for Southeastern students. Southeastern is committed to prevention of all forms of sexual misconduct as well as the protection and rehabilitation of victims of such acts. Sexual Misconduct is an umbrella term, and includes actual or attempted offenses of the following forms of misconduct:

What Is Title IX?

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. § 1681) is an all-encompassing federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex of students and employees of educational institutions that receive federal financial assistance. Title IX reads as the following: “No person in the United States, shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance…” Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and its implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. Part 106 (Title IX) For more information, please see SEU’s official Sexual Misconduct Policy and Resolution Process.

What Is Covered?

  • Sexual Harassment
  • Sexual Assault
  • Dating Violence
  • Domestic Violence
  • Stalking
  • Pregnancy Related Conditions
  • Any misconduct where someone is targeted because of sex or gender


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Duty to Report

All faculty and staff play a crucial role in helping create a campus culture at SEU where sexual misconduct of any kind is not tolerated. As a campus community, we are committed to education, training and services that encourage healthy, safe and respectful relationships. At SEU, we desire to go beyond compliance with federal laws concerning sexual misconduct, and we aspire to provide a survivor-friendly

As part of this commitment, all faculty and staff who become aware of incidences of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking are required to notify the university.

Faculty and staff are responsible for informing students of their duty to notify the university.

To view the Faculty & Staff Mandatory Reporter Policy, click here.

Scope and Jurisdiction

Individuals Covered by this Policy

This Policy applies to all members of the SEU community. The SEU community includes current undergraduate and graduate students, staff and faculty, administration, and any third parties contracted by SEU that interact with students, staff, faculty, or administration of SEU. However, the Respondent must be a member of the SEU community for SEU’s policy to apply against that individual.

Conduct Covered by this Policy

This Policy covers the education program and activities of the University, which includes conduct that occurs: (i) on SEU’s campus; (ii) on property or in buildings owned or controlled by SEU; (iii) at SEU-sponsored events; (iv) at regional campuses or extension sites, (v) online, using SEU’s networks, technology, or equipment; or (vi) off campus, where members of the SEU community are involved and the conduct effectively serves to deprive someone of access to SEU’s educational program and activities. It may also cover off-campus or online conduct when the Title IX Coordinator determines that the conduct affects a substantial University interest.

For more information, please see SEU’s official Sexual Misconduct Policy and Resolution Process. 


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Options for Reporting

Confidential Resources

Confidential resources are also available to discuss incidents that have occurred without a report being submitted to the Title IX coordinator. The following are on-campus resources where such confidentiality can be ensured:

  • Mental Health Professionals in Campus Counseling Center

Smith Hall – 863.667.5205

  • Health Professionals in Health Services

Smith Hall – 863.667.5205 – healthservices@seu.edu

  • Campus Pastor

Jonathan Rivera – Pansler U241 – 863.667.5064 – jonrivera@seu.edu

Other than these confidential resources, other faculty and staff are required to report incidents to the Title IX coordinator or appropriate deputy coordinator. If a reporter is unsure how private or confidential a staff or faculty member can keep a report, the reporter should ask prior to disclosure. Faculty and staff are expected to respond honestly and identify alternative resources if needed.

Off-Campus Confidential Resources

Rape Crisis Hotline863.413.2707 877.688.5077Sexual assault Sexual assault
National Sexual Assault Hotline800.656.4673Sexual assault
Florida Sexual Violence Hotline888.956.7273Sexual assault
National Stalking Resource Center800.FYI.CALLDating/domestic violence and stalking
Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence800.500.1119Dating/domestic violence

For more information, please see SEU’s official Sexual Misconduct Policy and Resolution Process.


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It is critically important that everyone in the SEU community feels free to report information that helps to ensure the safety and well-being of the community. The University will make every effort to ensure that no person will be subject to any adverse action (either by the University or by another person or group) because they report what they honestly believe to be Sexual Misconduct or other violation of this Policy.

No individual who reports an incident that may allege a violation of this Policy, participates in the investigation or resolution of such an allegation, supports a Complainant or Respondent, assists in providing information relevant to an investigation, and/or acts in good faith to oppose conduct that constitutes a violation of this Policy will be subject to retaliation as a result of such activity or participation.

Acts of alleged retaliation should be reported immediately to the Title IX Coordinator and will be promptly investigated. SEU will take all appropriate and available steps to protect individuals who fear that they may be subjected to retaliation.

SEU will not, and all members of the SEU community are prohibited to, take or attempt to take materially adverse action by intimidating, threatening, coercing, harassing, or discriminating against any individual for the purpose of interfering with any right or privilege secured by law or this Policy, or because the individual has given a Notice, made a Complaint, testified, assisted, or participated or refused to participate in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing related to Sexual Misconduct, retaliation, or other alleged violation of this Policy. Any such acts of retaliation by any SEU employee or student will be considered a serious violation of the Community Standards and will result in appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion for students and termination of employment for employees. Retaliation may constitute a violation of this Policy even when the initial report does not result in a finding of responsibility.

For more information, please see SEU’s official Sexual Misconduct Policy and Resolution Process.


Title IX Coordinator

Tyler Patrick is responsible for the monitoring and oversight of overall implementation of Title IX compliance and the prevention of harassment and discrimination at the university, including coordination of training, education, communication and administration of grievance procedures for faculty, staff, students and other members of the university community.

Deputy Title IX Coordinator
For Faculty, Staff & Visitors

Geoffrey Ott is responsible for Title IX compliance in matters involving faculty, staff and visitors, including training, education, communication and investigation of complaints.

Contact Tyler Patrick:

863.667.5236 | Pansler U223 | tmpatrick1@seu.edu

Contact Geoffrey Ott:

863.667.5182 | Buttercup House 1025 | gdott@seu.edu

For more information, please see SEU’s official Sexual Misconduct Policy and Resolution Process.

Local Resources

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Peace River Victim Services 24/7 confidential counseling and forensic examinations 1831 N. Crystal Lake Dr., Lakeland, Florida 863.413.2707 (confidential) 877.688.5077

Polk County Clerk of Court, Domestic Violence Department To file civil domestic violence reports and obtain “injunctions for protection against domestic violence” Bartow Branch (Polk County Courthouse) 255 N. Broadway St., Bartow, Florida 863.534.4184

Clerk of the 10th Judicial Court of Polk County Florida To file injunctions (“order of protection” or “restraining orders”) in response to reported dating/domestic violence, stalking or sexual violence Polk County Courthouse 255 N. Broadway St., Bartow, Florida 863.534.4000

Lakeland Police Department Victim Assistance 219 N. Massachusetts Ave., Lakeland, Florida 863.834.6914

Policy Information

SEU’s official Sexual Misconduct Policy and Resolution Process.

State & National Resources

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National Sexual Assault Hotline: 800.656.4673

Florida Sexual Violence Hotline: 888.956.7273

National Stalking Resource Center: 800.FYI.CALL

Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence: 800.500.1119

Changing our Campus (formerly Not Alone)

An employee or student may always file a complaint with the following:

Florida Department of Human Relations 850.488.7082 or 800.342.8170

U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights 800.421.3481

Office of Civil Rights 800.368.1019

“It’s On Us” A public awareness and education campaign launched in 2014, “It’s On Us” aims to engage college students and all members of campus communities in preventing sexual assault. The campaign reflects the belief that sexual assault isn’t just an issue involving a crime committed by a perpetrator against a victim, but one in which the rest of us have a role to play. Click here to learn more.

Training Information

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In accordance with 34 CFR Part 106.45(b)(10) of the 2020 Title IX Regulations, which mandates the public sharing of materials used to train school and college Title IX team members, please see below.

Any questions related to the training of the Title IX team can be directed to the Title IX Coordinator.