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Courses in this Series: BIOT 1433 Old Testament and Its Interpretation (Spring A -21-22), BINT 1533 New Testament and Its Interpretation (Spring B - 21-22)
Courses in this Series: BBUS 1003 Introduction to Business Concepts (Spring A), LDRS 2123 Principled Leadership (Spring B)
Courses in this Series: BIOT 1433 Old Testament Interpretation (Fall A 2023-24), BINT 1533 New Testament Interpretation (Fall B 2023-24), THEO 1213 Lived Theology (Spring A 2023-24)
Courses in this Series: BIOT 1443 Old Testament Interpretation (Spring A 2024), BINT 1533 New Testament Interpretation (Spring B 2024)
Courses in this Series: PMIN 4903 Seminar in Practical Ministry (16-week course beginning in January 2021)
Courses in this Series: PMIN 1013 30 FX Ministry Leader Communication (Spring A 2024-2025, 10:15-11:45am), PMIN 3133 35 FX Preaching I (Spring A 2024-2025, 3:30-5:00pm), LDRS 3143 43 FX Leadership, Followship & Teamwork (Spring B 2024-2025, 10:15-11:45am), PMIN 4113 45 FX Nonprofit Financial Management (Spring B 2024-25,3:30-5:00pm)
Courses in this Series: Biblical Hermeneutics (BIBL-2623-38-FX) Fall A, Thursdays, 6:00pm-9:00pm, Lived Theology (THEO-1213-43-FX) Fall B, M/Th, 9:35am-11:05am
Courses in this Series: Biblical Hermeneutics (BIBL-2623-38-FX) Fall A, Thursdays, 6:00pm-9:00pm, Lived Theology (THEO-1213-43-FX) Fall B, M/Th, 9:35am-11:05am
Courses in this Series: Old Testament Interpretations (BIOT-1433-32-FX) Spring 2024, Tuesdays, 2:00pm-5:00pm; New Testament Interpretation,(BINT-1533-40-FX) Spring 2024, Tuesdays, 2:00pm-5:00pm
Courses in this Series: BIOT 1433 Old Testament Interpretation (Spring 2024-25), BINT 1533 New Testament Interpretation (Spring 2024-25), BIBL 1113 Story of Scripture (Spring 2024-25), THEO 1213 Lived Theology (Spring 2024-25)
Courses in this Series: THEO 1213 Lived Theology (Fall B 2023-24), LDRS 2123 Principled Leadership (Spring A 2023-24)
Courses in this Series: BINT 3413 30 FX Pauline Literature (Spring A 22-23, T 6:30–9:30PM)
Courses in this Series: PMIN 2443 32 FX Foundations for Ministry (Spring A 22-23, T/TR 12:30–2:00PM)
Courses in this Series: BIOT 1433 Old Testament and Its Interpretation (Fall A), BINT 1533 New Testament and Its Interpretation (Fall B), BPLE 2123 Principled Leadership (Spring A), PMIN 2123 Christian Spirituality (Spring B)
Courses in this Series: LDRS 2123 Leadership Principles (Fall A 24-25, M,3-6pm), LDRS 2223 Leadership Theory (Spring A 24-25)
Courses in this Series: BIOT 1433 Old Testament and Its Interpretation (Fall A), BINT 1533 New Testament and Its Interpretation (Fall B), THEO 3023 Theology of God and Humanity (Spring A)
Courses in this Series: BIOT 1433 Old Testament Interpretation (Fall A 2022-23), BINT 1533 New Testament Interpretation (Fall B 2022-23), BIBL 2623 Biblical Hermeneutics (Spring A 2022-23), THEO 2123 Christian Thought and Practice (Spring B 2022-23)
Courses in this Series: LDRS 2123 Leadership Principles (Spring A 2023-24), LDRS 2223 Leadership Theory (Spring B 2023-24)
Courses in this Series: BIBL 2623 Biblical Hermeneutics (Fall A), THEO 2123 Christian Thought and Practice (Fall B)
Courses in this Series: BIOT 1433 Old Testament Interpretation (Fall A 2022-23), BINT 1533 New Testament Interpretation (Spring B 2022-23)
Courses in this Series: BIOT 1433 Old Testament and Its Interpretation (Fall A - 2021), BINT1533 New Testament and Its Interpretation (Fall B - 2021), THEO 2123 Christian Thought and Practice (Spring A - 2022)
Courses in this Series: BIBL 1113 The Story of Scripture (Spring A 2023–24), THEO 1213 Lived Theology (Spring B 2023–24)
Courses in this Series: BIOT 1433 Old Testament and Its Interpretation (Fall A & B 23-24, Spring A & B 23-24), BINT 1533 New Testament and Its Interpretation (Fall A & B 23-24, Spring A & B 23-24), THEO 2123 Christian Thought and Practice (Fall A & B 23-24), PMIN 3533 Pastoral Theology (Fall A & B 23-24, Spring A & B 23-24)
Courses in this Series: BINT 1433 Old Testament & Interpretation (Fall B - 2022-23), BINT 1533 New Testament & Interpretation (Spring A - 2022-23)
Courses in this Series: THEO 2123 Christian Thought and Practice (Summer B 2022-23)
Courses in this Series: BIOT 1433 Old Testament Interpretation (Fall A 2024-25), BINT 1533 New Testament Interpretation (Fall B 2024-25), PMIN 4043 Holistic Disciplemaking (Spring A 2024-25), PMIN 4133 Pastoral Counseling I (Spring B 2024-25)
Courses in this Series: BIOT 1433 Old Testament and Its Interpretation (Fall A), BINT 1533 New Testament and Its Interpretation (Fall B)
Courses in this Series: THEO 2123 Christian Thought and Practice (Spring A), CORE 1503 Personal Stewardship (Spring B)
Courses in this Series: Old Testament & Its Interpretation - BIOT 1433 (Fall A), Christian Thought & Practice - THEO 2123 (Fall B), New Testament and Its Interpretation - BINT 1533 (Spring A), Biblical Hermeneutics - BIBL 2623 (Spring B)
Courses in this Series: Theology of God and Humanity - THEO 2133 (Fall A), Theology of Salvation, The Church, and Eschatology - THEO 3133 (Fall B),
Church Business Administration - PMIN 4323 (Spring A), Theological Ethics - THEO 2003 (Spring B)
Courses in this Series: BIOT 1433 The Old Testament and Its Interpretation (Spring A 2022-23), BINT 1533 The New Testament and Its Interpretation (Spring B 2022-23), THEO 2123 Christian Thought and Practice (Fall A 2023-24)
Courses in this Series: BIOT 1433 Old Testament & its Interpretation (Fall A), THEO 2123 Christian Thought and Practice (Spring A), BINT 1533 New Testament & its Interpretation (Fall B)
Courses in this Series: BIOT 1433 Old Testament & its Interpretation (Fall A), Biblical Hermeneutics (Spring A), BINT 1533 New Testament & its Interpretation (Fall B)
Courses in this Series: HITH 5113 Early and Medieval Church Thought (Nov. 15, 2023 – July 30, 2024), HITH 5133 Reformation Through Modern Thought (Dec. 15, 2023 – July 30, 2024)
Courses in this Series: BIOT 1433 Old Testament and Its Interpretation (Fall A 2024-25), BINT 1533 New Testament and Its Interpretation (Fall B 2024-25), THEO 1213 Lived Theology (Spring A 2024-25), PMIN 2223 Evangelism and Mission (Spring B 2024-25)
Courses in this Series: BIBL 2623 37 FX Biblical Hermeneutics (Fall A 2023-24)
Courses in this Series: BIOT 1433 Old Testament and Its Interpretation (Fall B 2023-24), BINT 1533 New Testament and Its Interpretation (Spring A 2023-24)
Courses in this Series: BIOT 1433 Old Testament & its Interpretation (Fall A), BIBL 2623 Biblical Hermeneutics (Fall B) Or THEO 2123 Christian Thought & Practice (Fall B), BINT 1533 New Testament & Its Interpretation (Spring A), BIBL 2623 Biblical Hermeneutics (Spring B) Or THEO 2123 Christian Thought & Practice (Spring B)
Courses in this Series: BINT 1533 New Testament & Its Interpretation (Spring B), BIOT 1433 Old Testament & Its Interpretation (Fall A), THEO 2133 Theology of God and Humanity (Fall B)
Courses in this Series: BIOT 1433 Old Testament Interpretation (Fall A 21-22), BIOT 3343 Torah Studies (Fall B 21-22), BINT 1533 New Testament & Its Interpretation (SP 21-22 A), BINT 3003 Luke-Acts (SP 21-22 B)
Courses in this Series: THEO 1213 Lived Theology (Spring B 2024), PMIN 3533 Pastoral Theology (Fall B 2024)
Courses in this Series: BIBL 2623 Biblical Hermeneutics (Fall A - 2021), THEO 3023 Theology of God and Humanity (Fall B - 2021), THEO 3133 Theology of Salvation, The Church and Eschatology (Spring A - 2022)
Courses in this Series: PMIN 3533 Pastoral Theology (Fall A - 2021), PMIN 3113 Leading Team-Driven Organizations (Fall B - 2021), PMIN 4043 Holistic Disciplemaking (Spring A - 2022)
Courses in this Series: BIOT 1433 Old Testament Interpretation (Fall A 2022-23), BIBL 2623 Biblical Hermeneutics (Fall B 2022-23), BINT 1533 New Testament Interpretation (Spring A 2022-23), PMIN 2123 Christian Thought & Practice (Spring B 2022-23)
Courses in this Series: THEO 3133 Theology of Salvation, the Church and Eschatology (Fall A), BINT 3523 Pastoral Epistles (Fall B)
Courses in this Series: BBUS 3203 Essentials of Business Management (Fall A 2024-25; T 6:00-9:00 pm), BBUS 3303 Essentials of Marketing (Fall B 2024-25; T 6:00-9:00 pm)
Courses in this Series: BBUS 2123 Business Communication (Spring A 2024-25) , BBUS 1003 Intro to Business Concepts (Spring B 2024-25)
Courses in this Series: BIOT 1433 The Old Testament and Its Interpretation (Spring A 2022-23)
Courses in this Series: PMIN 4043 32 FX Holistic Disciplemaking (Spring A - 6:00-7:30 pm Tue), BINT 1533 48 FX New Testament and Its Interpretation (Spring B - 6:00-7:30 pm Tue)
Courses in this Series: BINT 1533 New Testament Interpretation (Spring B - 2021)
Courses in this Series:
BINT 1533 New Testament and Interpretation (Fall A 2025-26), BIOT 1433 Old Testament and Interpretation (Fall B 2025-26), BIBL 2623 Biblical Hermeneutics (Spring B 2025-26)
Courses in this Series: PMIN 3113 Leading Team-Driven Organizations (Fall 2025-26, Session A), Session B: THEO 3023 Theology I(Fall 2025-26, Session B), PMIN 2443 Foundations of Ministry (Spring 2025-26, Session A), THEO 3133 Theology II (Spring 2025-26, Session B), PMIN 3133 Preaching I (Fall 2026-27, Session A), THEO 3023 Theology I (Fall 2026-27, Session B)
Courses in this Series: BIOT 1433 Old Testament and Its Interpretation (Summer A), BINT 1533 New Testament and Its Interpretation (Summer B), THEO 3133 Theology of Salvation, the Church & Eschatology (Fall A), MISS 3733 World Religions (Spring A 20-21)
Courses in this Series: BIOT 1433 Old Testament Interpretation (Fall A 2023-24), BINT 1533 New Testament Interpretation (Fall B 2023-24), PMIN 3113 Leading Team-Driven Organizations (Spring A 2023-24), PMIN 2443 Foundations of Ministry (Spring B 2023-24)
Courses in this Series: BIBL 1113 Story of Scripture (Fall A 2024-25), BIOT 1433 Old Testament and Its Interpretation (Fall B 2024-25), BINT 1533 New Testament and Its Interpretation (Spring A 2024-25), THEO 1213 Lived Theology (Spring B 2024-25)
Courses in this Series: PMIN 5353 Spirit Empowered Discipleship (Spring A 2022-23), PMIN 5553 Practical Theology (Spring B 2022-23), PMIN 5083 Special Topics in Leadership (Fall A 2023-24)
Courses in this Series: PMIN 1013 Ministry Leader Communication (Fall A 2024-2025), PMIN 1023 Ministry Leader Consistency (Fall B 2024-2025), PMIN 1013 Ministry Leader Communication (Spring A 2024-2025), PMIN 1033 Ministry Leader Challenges (Spring B 2024-2025), PMIN 1013 Ministry Leader Communication (Summer A 2024-2025), PMIN 1023 Ministry Leader Consistency (Summer B 2024-2025)
Courses in this Series: THEO 2123 Christian Thought & Practice (Summer B - 2021-22)
Courses in this Series: BIOT 1433 Old Testament Interpretation (Spring A - 2022-23),
BINT 1533 New Testament Interpretation (Spring A – 2022-23), THEO 2123 Christian Thought and Practice (Spring A – 2022-23), BIOT 1433 Old Testament Interpretation (Spring B - 2022-23),
BINT 1533 New Testament Interpretation (Spring B - 2022-23), PMIN 4043 Holistic Disciplemaking (Spring B - 2022-23)
Courses in this Series: Principled Leadership (Spring A), The Art of Self Leadership (Spring B), Cross-Cultural Leadership (Fall A), Leading for Innovation (Fall B)
Courses in this Series: PMIN 4043 Holistic Disciplemaking (Spring B 2023-24), THEO 3023 Theology I (Fall A 2024-25), & BIBL 2623 Hermeneutics (Fall B 2024-25)
Courses in this Series: PMIN 5353 Spirt-Empowered Discipleship (Spring B 2023-24), THEO 5533 Graduate Systematic Theology I (Fall A 2024-25), & BIBL 5053 Biblical Interpretation and Communication (Fall B 2024-25)
Courses in this Series: Theology of God & Humanity (Fall A), Theology of Salvation, the Church, and Eschatology (Fall B), Isaiah (Spring A), Pastoral Epistles (Spring B)
Courses in this Series: Pastoral Theology I (Fall A), Pastoral Counseling I (Fall B), Evangelism and Mission (Spring A), Youth Ministries (Spring B)
Courses in this Series: BIOT 1433 Old Testament Interpretation, BINT 1533 New Testament Interpretation, THEO 1213 Lived Theology, PMIN 4043 Holistic Disciplemaking
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