

Partner Sites

Admission Process

Partner site students are students who are taking their classes at one of SEU’s partner site locations.

Here is your step-by-step guide for a successful college application process. Click on any step for details.

Want information about a specific site? Visit this page.

1. Explore Sites & Programs

Contact your Site Director about your interest in your church’s program before applying. To find your Site Director’s contact information and to see the degree programs SEU offers at your church or organization, select your site by following the link below.

2. Explore Degree Options

SEU offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate degree programs at our partner sites! Be sure to check them out below!

Note for Students with Disabilities
Southeastern University is committed to ensuring equal access to all programs for people with disabilities. If you would like to receive accommodations while attending Southeastern University, please contact the SEU Office of Academic & Auxiliary Services at adaservices@seu.edu or 863.667.5283. Visit SEU.edu/ADA for our policies and additional information.

2. Complete the Application

Our application is designed to guide you through the admission process step-by-step. Simply choose your site and the type of program you’re interested in and follow the prompts.

You’ll be given a personalized application link when you’re done, so be sure to save it.

Transfer students, visit our Transfer to SEU page to find out about transferring your credits to SEU.

3. Submit Your Required Documents

Review the details at the link below, and use your personalized application link to submit your documents so we can process your application.

students studying outside

4. Start the Financial Aid Process

While your application is being processed, be sure to begin the steps necessary to secure financial aid (if you haven’t already).

SEU makes a Christian college education accessible and affordable. Learn more here.

Note: While you may begin applying to SEU during your junior year of high school, you must wait until October 1 of your senior year to submit your FAFSA. Learn more here.

5. Save Your Spot

If you’re accepted, follow the steps in your acceptance email to save your spot and register for your classes. Check out these additional steps below to start preparing for your arrival. Welcome to the Fire Family!

We’ll email your SEU ID number to you once you save your spot. Use it to set up your access to SEU’s campus systems and your new SEU email account. Get additional help here.
(Pro tip: Check your SEU email often!)

Be sure to complete the financial aid process if you haven’t already, and follow these steps to pay your bill before classes begin.


General Questions: admission@seu.edu
Academic Advising: advising@seu.edu
Financial Aid: sitefa@seu.edu
Information Technology: helpdesk@seu.edu
Registrar: registrar@seu.edu
Online Learning Support (24/7): 1.800.985.9781