Please find the appropriate marketing request below. Once you have submitted your marketing request, SEU Creative will confirm receipt of your request. Please know response time is dependent upon queue volume and current department capacity.
SEU Creative provides marketing, branding, and related services for all SEU departments. To request a service, please submit the appropriate form below.
If you do not see a form that matches your request, please email
Note: Your fulfillment date is dependent upon the volume of requests currently in queue. SEU Creative will provide an estimated fulfillment date in Asana. Thank you!
It’s a joy to further SEU’s mission and serve students worldwide with you!
If you have any questions, please email
"*" indicates required fields
Conference/Event Marketing or Media Needs
Creative Planning Meeting
Strategy Discussion
Social Media Meeting
Graphic Design
Branded Promo Items/Inventory from Storage
Business Cards
Office Sign Inserts
Faculty Bios