SEU Missions

God calls us to the ends of the earth

Mission work creates in us a desire to change the way we live, and it inspires us to share the Gospel for the rest of our lives. We recognize the importance of the call to live for others, to give back to our community, and to improve our world. Through SEU Missions, we have created space for students to step into the local and international mission field.

Hundreds of students, faculty, and staff travel the globe each year through SEU Missions. Each student-led mission trip has a specific purpose with one overall goal — to spread the Good News to the ends of the earth. Each mission trip is carefully planned, evaluated, and carried through with the intention of providing lasting help to the people who are served.

Serve with SEU

While SEU offers multiple degrees in ministry, including Missional Leadership, students who serve with SEU Missions are enrolled in any of our 115+ degree programs! See our full program listing here.

For a limited time, use the code SERVE to apply to SEU for free!

Missions Stories

Here are just some of the many stories our students and alumni have shared of their experiences in the mission field.

2023-2024 Impact









$1.7 million


Since 2014


locations visited



Student Leadership Experience

One of the most beneficial and unique components of SEU Missions is that our mission trips are completely student-led. Coordinating these trips gives our student leaders experience that will serve them well in whichever field they pursue after graduation. Our staff host regular meetings for all student leaders, where they are given trip planning resources, encouragement, have an opportunity to learn from each other and from our staff, and meet with guest speakers who have expertise in the field of mission work.

When a student becomes a mission trip leader, they are responsible for every component of the trip, including:


Budget management

Team management


Planning/working with their chosen organization

Trip coordination

Leading every aspect of a mission trip gives students tangible work experience that applies to virtually any field in which they choose to work after graduation. This experience also shows the students’ abilities to carry out their goals, solve problems and serve others.