The Bob and Hazel Hoskins School of Mission

LAKELAND, Fla. — In honor of world missionaries Bob and Hazel Hoskins, Southeastern has announced that they will be launching the Bob and Hazel Hoskins School of Mission within the Barnett College of Ministry and Theology this fall. Bob Hoskins will be on campus on October 7, 2021, for the official announcement. In partnership with OneHope, the Hoskins School of Mission aims to provide interdisciplinary degree programs with a combination of ministry and marketplace skills in order to equip students for effective organizational and entrepreneurial leadership.

Founded in 1987 by Bob Hoskins, OneHope is an international ministry that reaches children and youth across the globe through relevant gospel messages in the form of print, films and apps. Today, they have reached more than 1.7 billion children and youth and work in over 238 countries. 

In addition to founding the organization, Hoskins is an evangelist, author and publisher. Hoskins and his late wife, Hazel, have served as missionaries in Africa, South America, Lebanon, France and Asia. The Hoskins have championed and led initiatives in many different areas including cross-cultural missions, the marketplace, government, arts and media, nonprofit, and local and national church movements. They continuously pioneered the work of Christ and encouraged others to be a part of this legacy. The Hoskins School of Mission aspires to impart this same spirit, equipping the next generation of leaders with the necessary skills to honor God’s word and serve the global church in every sector.

OneHope’s Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer Dr. Chad Causey will be chairing the school alongside Reverend Anthony Roberts, associate dean of the Barnett College of Ministry and Theology.  

“The vision of the School of Mission is to unite traditions that have been historically separate from each other. It’s crucial that we recognize that the future missional leader in the public, private or market sector has to be skilled in multiple disciplines. The school will be a center that develops programs that integrate and unite those complementary disciplines into innovative degrees that fully equip future leaders,” said Causey.

The school plans to build off of existing master’s degree programs in global ministry design and international family ministry with enhancements to curriculum, as well as the eventual launch of undergraduate programs in missional leadership and additional tracks to the ministerial leadership degree. Classes will be offered online, at partner sites and on the traditional Lakeland campus.   

“The School of Mission will equip students for missional ministry in the world that we live in today, which is complex and always changing,” said Roberts. “Students will gain access to a network of missional leaders and organizations that can lead to unique opportunities after graduation. The earlier students begin to build their professional network, the sooner they can really step into what God has called them to do.”

For more information on the Bob and Hazel Hoskins School of Mission, click here.


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