Establishing a Partner Site

Establishing a New Partner Site

An extension site relationship with SEU is seen as a mutual partnership between the university and the local church. Therefore, special attention is given to ensure that all aspects of the partnership are legally and academically sound.

Milestones & Tasks

The establishment of a new site would include the following milestones and tasks:

Initial Contact

A conversation between a church and SEU begins with a mutual connection and an initial conversation.

Leadership Team Approval

The prospective site will be presented to the leadership team by the vice president for institutional research and extended education. Pending approval, a formal Extension Site Partnership Agreement will be articulated and presented to the church for authorization.

Church Approval

The agreement is reviewed and approved by the governing board of the local church (if applicable), or the lead pastor. Pending approval, the legal officer of the church will sign the document and return a physical copy to the university.

Accreditation and Governmental Approval

The SEU Network Team will work with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) and the appropriate governmental and state approval agencies to ensure that the local site is approved both academically and legally.

Site Director Selection

The local site should identify an individual to serve as the extension site director, with duties as outlined previously.

Site Director and Staff Training

Members of the SEU Network team will set up calls/meetings for site staff covering various topics.
Site directors are invited to multiple training opportunities both virtually and in person throughout each year. 

Marketing & Recruitment

Sites coordinate local promotional and recruitment activities.

All marketing (e.g., brochures, websites, advertisements, etc.) including SEU branding must be reviewed and approved by the SEU marketing department prior to publication.

Site Launch

At the beginning of the fall semester, all courses are created, faculty are assigned, students are registered, practicum documentation is submitted and courses begin. At this point, a student orientation should take place as an introduction to the program. Depending on the delivery model, a site visit may be conducted after the start of the program.

Ready to Establish a Partner Site?