Top 5 Ways to Deal With End-of-the-Semester Stress

girl studying with book

The end-of-semester stress is real. Studying and cramming for finals, solidifying summer plans, and for a large portion of students, gathering the tools and preparing for post-graduation. There are lots of unanswered questions and details needed to get in line. But, when finals roll around, there are plenty of ways to finish the semester strong. So, if you’re feeling the strain of this time of the semester, here are some tips to help you through.

Set Aside Time to Unplug from Technology

Fresh air, sunshine, and simply being present to the world around you can help you focus a little better and ease your mind. Drink some water, eat a good snack, or watch the sunset. Stay away from mindless scrolling or being unproductive.  One of the perks of being in Lakeland is that we’re close to several great lakes with walking paths, so take advantage of them! 

Ask for Help

SEU offers multiple resources to help you succeed, including the Academic Center for Enrichment, Testing & Proctoring Services, and the knowledgeable and helpful faculty of the Steelman Library. Best of all, you can take advantage of these resources throughout the semester, not just when finals are coming up.

Choose the Right Study Environment

One of the best ways to focus is to remove things that you know tend to distract you. It’s also helpful to figure out your ideal study environment, where you find that focusing comes more easily and you leave that space feeling productive and accomplished.  You may need to try a few before you find the right fit. Your study space might be in your residence hall, one of the common area spaces on campus, somewhere outside, the Steelman Library, or at one of the many excellent local coffee shops.

Phone a Friend 

Sometimes one of the best ways to figure out what you’re really feeling is by verbalizing it, so find someone to talk to — a friend, trusted professor or advisor, family member, or pastor. One of the highlights of many students’ time here at SEU is the relationships built with their professors. If you could benefit from professional assistance, the SEU Campus Counseling Center offers in-person help on campus, or you can access virtual mental health services via TimelyMD’s TimelyCare. For additional support, the SEU Student Outreach & Support team is always here for you, too. 

Prioritize Your Health 

Prepping for important tests means having a clear and high-functioning mental space. Good food and enough sleep is crucial for this! You know your body best, and prioritizing the amount of sleep you need and eating foods that give you energy can greatly reduce stress. Exercising when you can will also help greatly, even if it’s something as simple as taking a walk or doing some stretches. Taking care of your health and treating your body as the temple God created it to be can ultimately produce the best you, and the best performances on finals, presentations, and end-of-semester assignments. Need a check-up, or fighting a cold? Head to the Health Services office for help.

Spend Time with Jesus

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” — 1 Peter 5:7

This scripture reminds us that God is never far from us, and He does care about everything we go through — the little things and big things. We just have to trust in Him. A great space tobe reminded of the depth of His love for us is  during SEU’s on-campus chapels. Take some time to go and just sit, reflect, and praise. Plus, you’ll get chapel credits (one less thing to be stressed about).

Remember to go easy on yourself as you try to stay motivated through the end of the semester. You’ve got this!


Original article by SEU alumna Lily Garay; edited by SEU students Emma Stern and Mia Golding

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